The Advancement of Catholic Education (ACE) is an endowed fund of the Diocese of Nashville that works to support our Catholic schools. The funds are used to support each school’s unique needs along with providing financial aid to families that desire a Catholic education for their children but cannot afford the full cost. Each of the schools in the Diocese of Nashville has an individual ACE account that assists their unique school needs.

“Catholic education is the largest ministry in our Church… We are striving to get souls to heaven, and to cultivate saints and scholars.”

Starting in 2023, a change was made to the fund that gave donors the opportunity to specify which school in the diocese they would like their donation to benefit.
Each year the school is able to use some of the funds from the endowment for special projects and tuition assistance. Endowments are particularly meaningful as they offer a dependable, perpetual source of funding. By donating to a school through the ACE account, you are ensuring the school’s financial viability and future, leaving a real legacy.
ACE began in 1992, with a commitment to make Catholic education accessible, and this commitment has not waivered over the past two decades. Our dream is to build this fund to a place where our Catholic schools and families have all they need to make the dream of Catholic education a reality to all.
ACE Donation Form

Jessica Gravagna