Position title
Fourth Grade Teacher

For over 85 years, Christ the King School has partnered with parents, our parish, and the community to serve God and educate students within the Catholic tradition of faith, academic excellence, love, and
service. The school, located at 3105 Belmont Blvd. in Nashville, is a Pre-Kindergarten (4) through 8th Grade school with a history of academic excellence and a strong Catholic identity.

Christ the King School seeks an experienced, innovative, and passionate fourth-grade teacher willing to work hard to bring learning to life and collaborate with a highly qualified professional learning community in a supportive school environment.

● Design a curriculum in line with the Diocese of Nashville Curriculum Guide vertically aligned with
elementary grades and plan lessons that are engaging, deepen understanding and critical
thinking, and are integrated with technology
● Work collaboratively with the team of teachers and partner with parents to communicate student successes and areas of growth
CKS faculty members model their Catholic faith in word and action, seek meaningful professional growth opportunities, and are life-long learners. As such, faculty members are passionate about what they do, the students they teach and mentor, and the school community. Christ the King School is an exciting, highly professional, and engaging community.

1. Active Catholic
2. Minimum of 3 years teaching in an elementary grade classroom, preferably fourth-grade
3. Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education
4. Valid TN Teaching License with Elementary Education endorsement
5. Experience with differentiated instruction
6. Strong Classroom Management Skills
7. Strong communication, collaboration, and organizational skills
8. Technology skills and ability to integrate technology into learning experiences

Master’s or other Advanced Degree

Job Location
Nashville, TN
Date posted
May 1, 2024
Valid through
June 15, 2024

Please send (1) a cover letter stating your intent to work as a teacher at Christ the King School; (2) a
complete and professional resume, and; (3) contact information for three references to Principal Alan
Mila at alan.mila@cks-nashville.org.

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