Chrism Mass
Tuesday of Holy Week
April 15, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Church
Catholic Pastoral Center
2800 McGavock Pike, Nashville, TN
Countdown to Chrism Mass

Your Presence at Chrism Mass Is a True Gift
My dear people,
Holy Week, this year April 13-20, is the most sacred week in the Catholic Church. Beginning on Palm Sunday, Holy Week encompasses Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, His Last Supper, His Passion, His Death, and His Glorious Resurrection. Christ’s triumph over sin and death on Easter Sunday makes all things possible.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to Chrism Mass, a special Mass that takes place at 6:30 p.m. on April 15, the Tuesday of Holy Week, in Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Church in the Catholic Pastoral Center.
Chrism Mass has far-reaching effects on every parish, priest, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ across Middle Tennessee.
During Chrism Mass, I will consecrate the sacred chrism and bless the holy oils for use in the sacraments and other sacred rites in the coming year. Diocesan priests will renew their commitment to priestly service, and I will renew my own dedication as the shepherd of the diocese. In keeping with Pope Francis’ call to renew ourselves as “pilgrims of hope” this Jubilee Year, I also will impart the Papal Blessing with a plenary indulgence during the Mass.
Chrism Mass truly is a celebration that brings our diocese together, and we are better as a people when we are together. Let your prayers, your voices, and your presence fill Sagrado Corazón on April 15 at Chrism Mass. I hope to see you there.

Most Reverend J. Mark Spalding Bishop of Nashville

Your Presence at Chrism Mass Is a True Gift
Read Message from Bishop Spalding
My dear people,
Holy Week, this year April 13-20, is the most sacred week in the Catholic Church. Beginning on Palm Sunday, Holy Week encompasses Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, His Last Supper, His Passion, His Death, and His Glorious Resurrection. Christ’s triumph over sin and death on Easter Sunday makes all things possible.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to Chrism Mass, a special Mass that takes place at 6:30 p.m. on April 15, the Tuesday of Holy Week, in Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Church in the Catholic Pastoral Center.
Chrism Mass has far-reaching effects on every parish, priest, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ across Middle Tennessee.
During Chrism Mass, I will consecrate the sacred chrism and bless the holy oils for use in the sacraments and other sacred rites in the coming year. Diocesan priests will renew their commitment to priestly service, and I will renew my own dedication as the shepherd of the diocese. In keeping with Pope Francis’ call to renew ourselves as “pilgrims of hope” this Jubilee Year, I also will impart the Papal Blessing with a plenary indulgence during the Mass.
Chrism Mass truly is a celebration that brings our diocese together, and we are better as a people when we are together. Let your prayers, your voices, and your presence fill Sagrado Corazón on April 15 at Chrism Mass. I hope to see you there.

Most Reverend J. Mark Spalding Bishop of Nashville
Experience the power and beauty of Chrism Mass

Three Holy Oils
Most Reverend J. Mark Spalding, Bishop of Nashville, will consecrate the holy chrism and bless the oil of the sick and oil of the catechumens during Chrism Mass. Holy chrism is used to anoint the newly baptized, to seal candidates for confirmation, and to anoint presbyters at ordination, as well as in the rites of anointing pertaining to the dedication of churches and altars. Oil of catechumens is used in the preparation of the catechumens for baptism. Oil of the sick is used for anointing of the sick.

The Chrism Mass, which the bishop concelebrates with his presbyterate, should be, as it were a manifestation of the priest’s communion with their bishop. After the homily, the bishop speaks to the people and to his priests about priestly anointing, urging the priests to be faithful to their office and calling on them to publicly renew their priestly promises. Bishop Spalding will also renew his own dedication as the shepherd of the diocese, and the faithful will be invited to pray for all priests and for the bishop.

Papal Blessing
For the first time ever at Chrism Mass, Bishop Spalding will bestow the Papal Blessing with a plenary indulgence, which is the remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven. At the end of Mass, Bishop Spalding will impart the blessing with a plenary indulgence to all those present who are truly penitent, have confessed their sins, and have received Holy Communion.
“The blessing of the oils of the sick and catechumens and consecration of the chrism is a wonderful, powerful celebration. It truly is a celebration that brings together our diocese’s different cultures, ethnicities, and languages – all united in Christ. We are better as a people when we’re together. Chrism Mass certainly brings us together.”