Chrism Mass Begins at 6:30 PM
Mass is approximately 90 minutes.
Who Should Attend?
Calling every Catholic in the Diocese of Nashville. This event is for you! This family event is a great way for parishioners from all 38 counties in Middle Tennessee to gather, make new friends, and celebrate our shared love of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Each year, during Holy Week, priests of the diocese publicly renew their commitment to priestly service. Priests are brought together and concelebrate this Mass as witnesses and cooperators with their bishop in the consecration of the chrism because they share in the sacred office of the bishop in building up and sanctifying the people of God. The blessing of the oil of the sick, the blessing of the oil of catechumens, and the consecration of the chrism are an essential part of this Mass. This Mass is, therefore, a clear expression of the unity of the priesthood and sacrifice of Christ, which continues to be present in the Church.
In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI described the purpose of holy oils throughout the lifespan of a faithful Catholic.
"In four sacraments, oil is the sign of God’s goodness reaching out to touch us: in baptism, in confirmation as the sacrament of the Holy Spirit, in the different grades of the sacrament of holy orders, and finally in the anointing of the sick, in which oil is offered to us, so to speak, as God’s medicine – as the medicine which now assures us of his goodness, offering us strength and consolation, yet at the same time points beyond the moment of the illness towards the definitive healing, the resurrection (cf. Jas 5:14). Thus oil, in its different forms, accompanies us throughout our lives: beginning with the catechumenate and baptism, and continuing right up to the moment when we prepare to meet God, our Judge and Savior."